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  • Talent en Diversiteit, Gelijkheid en Inclusie


Bij Xylem is het ontwikkelen van sterk talent en leiderschap wereldwijd een topprioriteit. Dit wordt mogelijk gemaakt door onze inzet voor een diverse werkvloer in de hele organisatie. We richten ons op het creëren van een verbonden, eerlijke en inclusieve cultuur, waarin iedereen – ongeacht achtergrond, geaardheid of overtuigingen – zichzelf kan zijn en de ruimte krijgt om zijn of haar beste werk te leveren.

We zijn ervan overtuigd dat het ondersteunen van de professionele groei en voortdurende ontwikkeling van onze medewerkers bijdraagt aan de kracht, creativiteit en capaciteiten van onze organisatie. Van het aantrekken en werven van talent tot het behouden van medewerkers op de lange termijn, creëren we een betekenisvolle en inclusieve werknemerservaring gedurende de hele talentcyclus.

"Onze sterke cultuur ligt aan de basis van ons succes en helpt ons een omgeving te creëren waarin innovatie, leiderschap, groei, eigenaarschap en verantwoordelijkheid worden gestimuleerd."

-Rachel Darcangelo, Vice President Global Leiderschap, Talent en Cultuur bij Xylem


Lees hier meer over onze cultuur.

Maak kennis met enkele van onze medewerkers die zich in verschillende fases van hun carrière bij Xylem bevinden. Ontdek wat hen aantrok, waarom ze ervoor kozen om hun loopbaan bij Xylem te ontwikkelen en waarom ze zo gepassioneerd zijn over wat we elke dag doen voor onze klanten en partners – en trots zijn om deel uit te maken van het Xylem-team.

Kibibi White

Kibibi White

Location: Yellow Springs, OH
Joined Xylem 2023

Xylem’s work in helping solve the word’s water challenges and advance sustainability – attracts top-tier talent from around the globe who are inspired by the opportunity to work for purpose-driven company.  We asked We asked Kibbi about why she chose Xylem.

3 Words to describe Xylem’s culture

Inclusive | Accommodating | Welcoming

What makes you excited about working at Xylem?

I love working with the team and I feel like I am part of a family environment. Xylem in Yellow Springs, OH is a part of a big company, but has a small company feel. I look forward to coming to work every day.

With your experience, how would you describe the company to new hires/candidates?

We have a great working environment that is welcoming and feels like a family. Come in as your best self and be willing to learn, and you’ll fit in great! 

Humbulani Mphaphuli

Humbulani Mphaphuli

SHEQ Manager Africa
Location: Johannesburg South Africa
Joined Xylem: Aug 2022

Xylem is committed to providing a rich on-boarding experience for our new employees, and we are continually looking for ways to improve. Read below about one employee’s reflection on his onboarding experience.

3 words that describe Xylem culture:

Dynamism | Innovation | Talent

How did your team best support your onboarding experience?

Upon resumption of my duties, there was a team of professionals waiting for me to provide guidance in all areas of the business, including Human Recourses, Operations and IT. Important resources that assist one to navigate a new workplace better - such as a cell phone and laptop computer - were issued to me on the first day by the IT team. My local Manager helped to see that the induction program drafted for me by the HR team was adequately followed, and my Director for Emerging Markets flew all the way from Dubai to Africa to make me feel welcomed. 

What was the best part about your Onboarding?

I got to know everything I needed to know about the business in the first week, and that was really impressive! The induction program was well structure so when I was midway through the program, I immediately knew what and where the business loss exposure areas were, and I immediately prepared my plans and put all my attention into that space. 

Natalia Cook

Natalia Cook

Engineering Leadership Development Program Alumni
Program: Engineering Leadership Development 
Program Location: Milwaukee, WI (1st rotation), Morrisville, NC (2nd rotation)
Joined Xylem: 2022

Xylem is continuing to build a strong pipeline of passionate young water leaders through our early-in-career rotational programs. These recent graduates are given opportunities to explore various areas of Xylem. We asked one of our early-in-career rotational program participants about her experience.

Three Words to describe Xylem’s culture

Supportive | Collaborative | Innovative

How did your recruitment process play into your decision on your offer acceptance?

My recruitment process at Xylem was straight-forward and I was always being updated of next steps. When reaching out to recruiters with additional questions, they were welcoming and open to having additional conversations to aid in my decision-making process. I was impressed with the quick responses from recruiters and how I was connected to multiple Xylem employees during my interview process. Additionally, the ELDP program at Xylem was different from other companies by letting me select rotations to further expand my interests and knowledge. 

How did your recruitment process with Xylem differ from other companies you were interviewing with?

When interviewing with Xylem, it quickly became apparent that Xylem has an inclusive culture through the diversity exhibited in my interviews. Throughout my levels of interviews, I was not only connected with Xylem leaders and innovators at different levels but I was also shown that there is diversity in the workforce at every level. All of my interviewers tried to get to know me on a personal and professional level and were able to already connect me with areas in the company I could excel. 

In one of my interviews, I mentioned my passion for community service and given many examples of how Xylem supports and encourages employees to pursue their interests. Compared to my other offers, Xylem looked to provide a more supportive and diverse culture with the commitment to aid young talent.

Vikram Nanwani

Vikram Nanwani

VP Product Management & Engineering – Water Infrastructure
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Joined Xylem: 2006

One of Xylem’s strategic pillars is “Cultivating leadership and talent development.”  We are committed to the ongoing development of our employees through training, on the job experiences and relationship. Our development programs can play a vital role in our employee’s development. Below, read about the experience of one of our employees, who is an alumni of our Executive Development Program.

3 Words to describe Xylem’s culture

Caring | Passionate| Innovative 

How did the Executive Development Program (EDP) prepared you for your current role?

The EDP helped me create a network of colleagues from around the world whom I learnt from both personally and professionally. To this day I still reach out to for help, advice and support from them. The program also helped me to better understand how my leadership is perceived by others and how best to adapt this to help my colleagues and Xylem.

What did you like best about the program?

I liked meeting my colleagues from different parts of the world. They all have different experiences and cultures, which enriched my experience. My other favorite part of the program was the one-on-one professional coaching that I received. I was able to take what I learned in the program and from my coach, and experiment with new ways of leading. The entire experience really helped me to grow and develop as an enterprise leader.

Alice Xu

Alice Xu

Marketing Director – China & North Asia Region
Location: Shanghai, China
Joined Xylem: 2007

As our organization has continued to evolve, we have seen exceptional talent grow and develop, taking on different and larger roles. These employees are extremely experienced and knowledgeable in their different functions, are very passionate about Xylem’s mission and proudly represent the company. Read below about one of our leaders who has dedicated over 10 years of her career to Xylem.

3 Words to describe Xylem’s culture

Respect | Sustainable | Inclusive

Why is Xylem an amazing company to work for?

Xylem has an incredible mission. The company tackles one of the biggest problems our world is facing – solving water. We set out to solve this issue with our leading technology at affordable prices. If you are interested in shaping the next generation of technologies that advance sustainability, come join our team.

How have you seen Xylem grow as a company during your time?

In the beginning, Xylem specialized as a traditional pump and equipment manufacturing company. I have seen it grow into a leading technology company that’s helping drive the digital transformation of water. We’re also focused on advancing inclusion and belonging, which we know is a catalyst for creative new approaches. I had the pleasure of personally seeing Xylem grow and evolve over the years through the previous roles I held, especially in Continuous Improvement before transitioning to the Marketing Director for the North Asia Region.