Water Utilities News

PFAS treatment is a growing area of concern for water utilities, businesses and communities, particularly as governments pass stricter regulations. Research...

All Posts in Net Zero

Xylem Together 2023: Fostering sustainable partnerships for a water-secure Europe

Xylem brought together water sector channel partners to advance collaboration and sustainability in Vienna for the first-ever “Xylem Together” European partner...

Net-zero Survey: Utilities Racing to Decarbonize

Water and wastewater utilities are executing ambitious decarbonization goals, illustrated in a recent survey of 100 utilities showing that 75% of respondents...

COP27: 5 take-aways for the water sector

Xylem is a founding member of the Reservoir Center for Water Solutions. Last month, coinciding with COP27, the UN’s annual climate summit taking place in...

Net Zero: Mapping the route to water utility decarbonization

The water sector has a role to play in the global effort to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and helping to slow climate change. Our sector is...