Webinar: Treatment Optimization - Leveraging Data To Drive Outcomes

Webinar: Treatment Optimization - Leveraging Data To Drive Outcomes

Data driven approaches to help drive outcomes continue to evolve with the increasing adoption of technologies within wastewater treatment plant operations. No matter the size of your utility or stage of digital maturity, there is ample opportunity to optimize through a variety of approaches and technologies.

This webinar will provide best practices for treatment plant optimization, including intelligent performance monitoring and UV system control, and principles highlighting various technologies and digital solutions that help your utility simulate and efficiently manage the most complex biological and chemical processes taking place within the sewage treatment facility.

A key focus of this webinar will present how digital solutions can unlock your utility’s data to optimize treatment plant performance while maximizing your current infrastructure. This will help you:

  • Reduce chemical consumption by 10-30% while increasing margins of compliance
  • Reduce treatment plant energy use by up to 30%
  • Increase the reliability of your existing assets
  • Decrease operating expenditures