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City of South Bend saves $400 million in CapEx spending by reducing combined sewer overflow by 80%

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"Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua": Otimização da toma de decisões. Agilizando a gestão das operações. Simplificando a transformação digital. 

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From digital twin to decision intelligence across the water cycle



Unlocking transformative outcomes with digital twins

When digital twins are coupled with advanced data science like hydroinformatics and water system expertise, utilities are empowered with the intelligence they need to make crucial decisions, earlier. Discover the steps water managers can take to adopt and maximize a digital twin, today. Let’s see how.

This guide aims to help utilities answer three key questions:

  • What role can digital twin technology play in optimizing operations?
  • How can utilities apply this technology to maximum effect?
  • What can we learn from those utilities leading the way?



“Working with Xylem, we are now able to combine data from multiple sources within our complex network, allowing us to maximize use of our existing assets. The solution has improved coordination and insight across our entire sewer system, and it is now a vital tool in our management of sewer overflows.”



Stacia Eckenwiler

Assistant Administrator
City of Columbus
Department on Public Utilities


Spotlight on Hydroinformatics: Making data work harder and smarter

Utilities are inundated with data and need support to make it work for them.  Hydroinformatics engineers work at the nexus of engineering, water expertise and decision science.  They design systems that uncover insights and actionable recommendations from the data to provide the operator with decision support to increase productivity and efficiency.  See what's possible.