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Closed-loop systems, tank-based systems such as Re-circulating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) or flow-through systems, provide separation from native species and allow for increased production at aquaculture facilities. These contained systems make it possible to create the optimal conditions for crop health, improving yields and quality. RAS even uses less water.
However, increased production intensifies risk. The equation is simple – poor water quality and crowded conditions lead to stress and disease. It is essential to control the water environment needed to sustain crop health. But, control of conventional RAS and flow-through systems has been too complex, and difficult to operate and maintain. When a process imbalance can quickly set the stage for an outbreak that decimates the entire crop, it is critical to have the information needed to respond promptly to re-establish proper conditions.
Soluții fiabile și economice pentru pomparea și circularea apei curate sau murdare.
Centrifugal and turbine pumps, controllers, variable frequency drives, and accessories
Tehnologii de tratare a apei și a apei uzate fiabile și ecologice.
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