Circular stormwater pump station
Challenge One of the largest airports serving France required a stormwater treatment plant to handle the inflow from a large gravity sewer collecting water from the runways. Solution The pump station...
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Flygt C-kanalhjulspumparna är byggda för en kapacitet på upp till 3 000 l/s (48 000 gal/m) med motorer på upp till 775 kW (1 050 hk). Basversionen av dessa pumpar är tillverkad i hållbart gjutjärn och är avsedd för krävande tillämpningar som kommunala avlopp och industriutsläpp. Explosionssäkra versioner finns tillgängliga. De klassiska C-pumparna med täckta enkanals- och flerkanalspumphjul har visat sig vara beprövat effektiva genom åren. De mindre C-pumparna är försedda med Flygt Nevaclog®-pumphjulet, som klarar att släppa igenom stora fasta ämnen. De större pumparna har flerkanalspumphjul för maximal hydraulisk effektivitet och skydd mot igensättning.
Challenge One of the largest airports serving France required a stormwater treatment plant to handle the inflow from a large gravity sewer collecting water from the runways. Solution The pump station...
Challenge Eighteen Flygt pump stations transport wastewater at a popular recreational and amusement area in central Stockholm. One of the pump stations handles restaurant wastewater containing fats,...
Challenge One of Australia’s largest cities was running short of fresh water and needed a major expansion of its desalination facility. One hurdle was to transfer the seawater to the plant. A new...
Challenge Situated on an estuary of a major river, one of the largest cities in China has an average annual rainfall of 1100 mm (43 in). The three-month typhoon season, usually with heavy rains from...
Challenge The revival of one of Britain’s largest commercially unexploited land areas called for multi-phase construction of two large pump stations. One pump station was to provide drainage for a...
Challenge Very deep, large capacity and limited footprint: these are common demands by customers for their pump stations designs. Recently, two such pump stations were needed in the US. Solution The...
Challenge A 54,000-acre service area in a major city in Texas required assistance to handle a projected 50% increase in population and subsequent increase in wastewater processing demands. Solution...
Challenge To develop a combined stormwater and sewage pump station at the lowest possible cost. Solution The station was designed with three Flygt CP 3501 and six Flygt PL 7121 pumps. The use of a...
Cleaning out debris from long-shaft pumps in a sludge handling system at a paper mill in the USA was taking up to one week per pump. By replacing them with submersible units, the entire operation...
Under Kungsträdgården i Stockholm ligger en pumpstation som har en central betydelse för stadens avloppssystem. När stationens kapacitet behövde utökas fick Xylem i uppdrag att installera kraftigare...