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Employee health and safety is critical at Xylem as we work to solve the world’s toughest water challenges. We’ve set ambitious 2025 health and safety goals and...
Andrea Rinaldo凭借开创性河流研究荣获斯德哥尔摩水奖

世界知名水文学家Andrea Rinaldo凭借对河网的开创性研究,一举荣获2023年斯德哥尔摩水奖(Stockholm Water Prize)。他的研究让人们对河流如何传播水污染、入侵物种和经水传播的疾病有了新的理解。 Andrea...

In November, Congress passed the historical Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) – the single largest investment in infrastructure that the federal...
10 captivating podcast episodes on water and the water sector

Need a little extra knowledge or inspiration in your ears? Here is our list of ten podcast episodes on water from 2022 that are worth a listen. Topics include...

我们是不是可以让浮游动物来吃掉有害藻类呢?如果可以,哪种生物最适合做这项工作?这是Annabelle M. Rayson在2022年“斯德哥尔摩青少年水奖”上获奖项目的主题。让我们来看看是什么激励她去做这项研究。...

On June 15th, the Reservoir Center for Water Solutions opened in Washington, D.C. – a major milestone for the water sector. The Center will serve as a global...