欢迎来到Making Waves,我们向您讲述赛莱默在水行业发生的故事。赛莱默是一家致力于解决水问题的全球水科技公司。
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People of Xylem中的所有文章
Finding the missing piece in a career: giving back

In recognition of International Volunteer Day, Making Waves spoke with Xylem colleague and Watermark Ambassador and volunteer, Carolina Casserly. Carolina...

At Xylem, we are committed to building a diverse workforce across our global organization. We know that fostering a diverse and inclusive environment is one of...
People of Xylem: Reverse Mentor Spotlight

Sharing Diverse Perspectives to Solve Water As part of our commitment to building a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace, Xylem has developed a reverse...

“I’ve seen this company set goals and work towards achieving them, and I'm always driven by that. I feel very good about working for a company that does what...
PEOPLE OF XYLEM: Amy Ross, Executive Office Manager

“I feel I can make a difference in the work that I’m doing at Xylem. That I’m changing lives and inspiring future leaders and women… That we’re making the...
PEOPLE OF XYLEM: Tanja Hedberg, Chief Engineer Electrical Motors – Water Infrastructure

“Water is our purpose. We get the motor moving to get the water moving to where it needs to be. It’s all about solving water.” Tanja Hedberg is Chief Engineer...