赛莱默拥有广泛的选型软件和计算器产品组合,可在选择泵、监测和控制设备、电缆或其它技术文件时为您提供帮助。您是否不确定哪种解决方案能为您完成这项工作,或者您是否已经知道您要寻找泵型? 使用我们的选型软件和计算器,以获取在线产品推荐,配置产品等。
XOL allows users to browse mixers and pumps for various applications across the agricultural, commercial buildings, industrial, and municipal industries.
Xylem Solver is a unified, digital selection tool that simplifies and streamlines your purchasing journey. Build the best solution for your unique application needs.
Bell & Gossett Selection, Sizing & CAD Tools
Use the calculator to find out the costs over the lifetime with the different Concertor® offers compared to your current pump system.
Access our library of Flygt drawings.
Search for part numbers and spare parts for Flygt products. Contact Xylem for access.
An extensive guide with like for like replacements for wet rotor circulators
Downloadable drawings in 2D, 3D and BIM formats for Lowara products
Use only Lowara original spare parts. Find the correct spare parts and exploded views for new and old Lowara products here.