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By 2045, it’s predicted we will not have enough water to meet our needs.
The UK Environment Agency have called this an ‘existential threat.’

But how do you get the world to take notice?
By showing how water complacency can affect the game we love most - football. 

Scroll now to watch the film

The End of Football

By 2045, it’s predicted we will not have enough water to meet our needs. The UK Environment Agency have called this an ‘existential threat.’ But how do you get the world to take notice?

By showing how water complacency can affect the game we love most - football.

Xylem has now put our partnership with Manchester City into action and created the film, ‘The End of Football.’  It tells the emotional story of one girl’s life as a Manchester City fan. And shows that if our complacency around water continues, we’re just one generation away from it touching every aspect of life. 

This film was conceived and shot before the global coronavirus pandemic actually did stop football in the UK and globally. But what coronavirus has shown us is how fragile the world, and its favorite sport, really are. Now more than ever, we need to protect our future by taking steps to use water more sustainably. If we don’t, we may find ourselves in this same football situation in the future.

Water Heroes Playbook

In partnership with Manchester City, we’ve created a playbook to tackle our toughest opponent yet: drought. Simple, everyday actions – along with actions from public officials and industry – are what’s needed to protect our future and the future of football. 

So let’s act now. Let’s all be water heroes.

Get your copy
