Bombas con impulsor de canal Flygt



  • Impulsores antiatasco
  • Diseños con uno o varios álabes
  • Diseños tradicionales con secciones de paso grandes
  • Altas eficiencias con agua limpia
  • Hierro fundido y materiales opcionales para el impulsor

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Flygt Las bombas C con impulsor de canal están fabricadas para manejar capacidades de hasta 3000 l/s (48.000 gpmgpm) con motores de hasta 775 kW (1050 hp). Las versiones básicas de estas bombas están fabricadas con hierro fundido de gran duración y están destinadas a aplicaciones exigentes como el alcantarillado municipal y los efluentes industriales. Hay versiones a prueba de explosión disponibles. Las bombas C clásicas con impulsores cubiertos con uno o varios vanos han demostrado su rendimiento durante muchos años. Las bombas C más pequeñas cuentan con el impulsor Flygt Nevaclog®, que ofrece propiedades de paso de sólidos gracias a su gran paso libre. Las bombas más grandes cuentan con impulsores de varios vanos para ofrecer la máxima eficiencia hidráulica y resistencia frente a atascos.

Case Studies & White Papers

Circular stormwater pump station


Challenge One of the largest airports serving France required a stormwater treatment plant to handle the inflow from a large gravity sewer collecting water from the runways. Solution The pump station...

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Pump station with cleaning function


Challenge Eighteen Flygt pump stations transport wastewater at a popular recreational and amusement area in central Stockholm. One of the pump stations handles restaurant wastewater containing fats,...

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Expansion of a desalination plant


Challenge One of Australia’s largest cities was running short of fresh water and needed a major expansion of its desalination facility. One hurdle was to transfer the seawater to the plant. A new...

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Sewage and stormwater pump stations


Challenge The revival of one of Britain’s largest commercially unexploited land areas called for multi-phase construction of two large pump stations. One pump station was to provide drainage for a...

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Large capacity circular wet well


Challenge Very deep, large capacity and limited footprint: these are common demands by customers for their pump stations designs. Recently, two such pump stations were needed in the US. Solution The...

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Circular wastewater lift station


Challenge A 54,000-acre service area in a major city in Texas required assistance to handle a projected 50% increase in population and subsequent increase in wastewater processing demands. Solution...

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