Le damos la bienvenida a Making Waves, donde encontrará historias sobre el agua de Xylem, una empresa mundial de tecnología del agua con la misión de resolver el problema del agua.
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Noticias sobre el agua Sostenibilidad Innovación Cero emisiones Análisis
Historias destacadas del equipo de redacción
Todas las publicaciones en Webinars

This three-part webinar series presents different approaches to the assessment of critical mains. These approaches range from a low effort Health Check to a...
Today’s Pressure Sewer Systems & Technological Advancements

This webinar will add clarity to the many equipment choices engineers and municipalities have when designing a pressure sewer system. We will walk through the...
Wastewater Pumps with Integrated Intelligence

Small wastewater pumps can be given a new level of functionality and intelligence by integrating advanced software functions and state-of-the-art hardware into...

With the goal to minimize energy consumption in the BNR process, a mixing energy pilot study is under way at MMSD in Milwaukee, WI. Results show that power...

Variable Speed Wastewater Pumping – Saving energy and optimizing system performance Pumping with variable speed wastewater pumps can result in better process...
New Water Brew – Recycling Water for the Highest Purpose

Great beer starts with great water – that’s why the WaterReuse Association and Special Hoperations teamed to provide purified water (recycled water) to local...