Servicios de Agua

Yorkshire Water, que presta servicios de agua a 5 millones de personas en Inglaterra, dedicaba demasiado tiempo a gestionar los bloqueos de las bombas en...

Todas las publicaciones en Making Waves (TV)

3 ways to be a smarter water manager

Learn how smart water technologies, such as self-optimizing equipment, sensors and advanced analytics, can help solve today’s water challenges.

Video: Smart water insights from Xylem CEO Patrick Decker

Xylem CEO Patrick Decker discusses the three main challenges in the water industry, and how smart water technologies can help solve them.

3 smarter ways to assess pipe conditions

Smart water technologies help utilities detect leaks, reduce non-revenue water, and make more informed decisions. Learn how.

Video: When visionary ideas turn into great solutions

What happens when utilities partner with universities to solve critical water issues? Learn how three innovative ideas were turned into real-word solutions for...