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All Posts in Cybersecurity

By Dr. Kenneth Crowther Digital transformation in the water and wastewater infrastructure space offers incredible value in the face of increasing challenges –...
Knowing beats wondering: Steps to cybersecurity success

When it comes to cyber risk, a proactive approach is paramount. Xylem Product Security Leader Senad Pašalić discusses how an in-depth understanding of systems,...
Embrace the uncertainty and do it anyway: How a proactive stance can help utilities stay cyber secure

Dawn Cappelli of Dragos, a firm specializing in cybersecurity for industrial environments, breaks down how the water industry can stay ready to respond in a...
Global cyber challenges need global solutions: How utilities are becoming cyber-savvy

Our panel of international experts examines how utilities can embrace a global outlook when it comes to security. “Cyber-attacks against critical...

La protección de las infraestructuras críticas ha adquirido un nuevo cariz a medida que aumentan los ciberataques. El sector del agua no es una excepción. En...
Managing the changing tides of cybersecurity

Amid the digitization of the water sector, the risks posed by cyber threats are growing. Nick Nedostup, Chief Information Security Officer at Xylem, discusses...