Construcción y Minería

Built in 1750, the Suomenlinna shipyard is a UNESCO World Heritage site that still has two active dry docks. The shipyard is part of the Suomenlinna Sea...

All Posts in Making Waves TV

Pipeline inspection time cut from five months to a single day

A solution from Xylem’s Pure Technologies brand recently completed a 44-mile (77 km) water pipeline inspection in a single day. The inspection usually took at...

Xylem expands with new pump rental hub in the Philippines

Xylem has announced the opening of a new pump rental and service business in the Philippines. The hub, located in Calamba, will serve the growing demand from...

Las bombas Godwin se utilizan para poner a prueba el Canal de Panamá ampliado

Xylem desempeña un papel importante en el Programa de Ampliación del Canal de Panamá. En junio, la compañía puso a disposición sus bombas de drenaje Godwin de...

Nueva herramienta TotalCare ahorra tiempo y dinero

“La clave del desempeño confiable de una bomba a largo plazo es brindarle un buen mantenimiento”, explica Kajsa Dannberg. “Las bombas Flygt han sido fabricadas...