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Strong collaboration with FT Leisure, combined with Xylem’s holistic approach and leading experts and solutions, enabled the customer to complete 18 swimming...
When a commercial building in Massachusetts recently needed to upgrade its fire pump room, Xylem engineers created a unique temporary fire protection system....
The Castello Banfi winery, where the famous Brunello di Montalcino wine is produced, needed a new aeration system for its wastewater. With a solution from...
Located on the outskirts of Beirut, the popular Holiday Beach Resort boasts a complex of 600 chalets and bungalows, swimming pools, a sandy beach and marina....
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Making Waves to wiadomość od Xylem, wiodącej globalnej firmy zajmującej się technologią wodną. Rozwiązania Xylem obejmują produkty i usługi związane z transportem, uzdatnianiem, analizą i monitorowaniem wody.