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Some of the biggest building projects in New York, Los Angeles and Detroit are using pumps and other equipment from Xylem’s Bell & Gossett brand. Learn about...
The new Wilshire Grand Center in Los Angeles, opened in 2017, is the tallest building west of Chicago. Safety and sustainability were central to the design of...
With record-breaking hurricanes hitting the US, it’s more important than ever that your business and operations are ready for extreme weather. Watch our...
The fire pump is one of the most critical pieces of equipment for a building’s fire protection system. In a new white paper from Xylem’s A-C Fire, you can...
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Making Waves to wiadomość od Xylem, wiodącej globalnej firmy zajmującej się technologią wodną. Rozwiązania Xylem obejmują produkty i usługi związane z transportem, uzdatnianiem, analizą i monitorowaniem wody.