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A solution from Xylem’s Pure Technologies brand recently completed a 44-mile (77 km) water pipeline inspection in a single day. The inspection usually took at...
Xylem has announced the opening of a new pump rental and service business in the Philippines. The hub, located in Calamba, will serve the growing demand from...
Xylem is playing an important role in the Panama Canal Expansion Program. Xylem provided its heavy duty Godwin dewatering pumps to fill the third set of basin...
“The key to reliable pump performance in the long term is good maintenance,” Kajsa Dannberg explains. “Flygt pumps are built to last, and if they are properly...
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Making Waves to wiadomość od Xylem, wiodącej globalnej firmy zajmującej się technologią wodną. Rozwiązania Xylem obejmują produkty i usługi związane z transportem, uzdatnianiem, analizą i monitorowaniem wody.