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Manchester City Football Club aims to minimize the use of municipal water to irrigate training pitches as a key part of its sustainability initiatives....
By Walt Kozlowski Senior Director Client Sustainability Solutions, Xylem The escalating impacts of climate change, aging infrastructure, and growing...
Xylem’s customized filtration solution enables the reuse of 99% of exhibit water and $1.5 million in annual savings. Georgia Aquarium, the largest aquarium in...
Early adopter of intelligent pumping system expands use and reduces annual cleaning and service costs by 87.5%. London’s Heathrow Airport is one of Europe’s...
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Making Waves to wiadomość od Xylem, wiodącej globalnej firmy zajmującej się technologią wodną. Rozwiązania Xylem obejmują produkty i usługi związane z transportem, uzdatnianiem, analizą i monitorowaniem wody.