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Together with our customers and partners, Xylem continued our mission in 2024 to help create a more sustainable, water-secure world. Being named one of...
Around the world, utilities and companies are facing complex water challenges, from ensuring safe drinking water to treating industrial wastewater. Growing...
As more governments and businesses look to advance net zero, there’s growing global interest in sustainable energy sources. One renewable that’s attracting...
Beverage manufacturers require their ingredient water and wastewater to be treated to high standards, but how can they balance quality with efficiency and...
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Making Waves to wiadomość od Xylem, wiodącej globalnej firmy zajmującej się technologią wodną. Rozwiązania Xylem obejmują produkty i usługi związane z transportem, uzdatnianiem, analizą i monitorowaniem wody.