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Todos os posts em Piscinas e atrações de lazer

Xylem’s customized filtration solution enables the reuse of 99% of exhibit water and $1.5 million in annual savings. Georgia Aquarium, the largest aquarium in...

Xylem technology delivers best in water quality for the largest swim meet in history. As swimmers prepared to practice and compete in two massive pools built...

Center Parcs De Eemhof uses Xylem intelligent pumping solution to cut energy and cleaning costs by more than 70%. Holiday parks with leisure facilities depend...
Xylem ajuda parceiro a enfrentar os desafios da COVID-19 durante ambicioso projecto de piscina

A estreita parceria e a abordagem holística de Xylem permitiram à FT Leisure comcluir 18 projetos de piscinas em todo o Reino Unido. Antes da pandemia, a FT...
National swimming complex in Budapest gets emergency pumping solution

The Alfred Hajós Swimming Complex in Budapest, Hungary, hosts major international swimming competitions, but since it sits on an island it needed an emergency...
Parque aquático reduz uso de cloro e energia com sistema Wedeco UV

Nas piscinas públicas, garantir a segurança e a qualidade da água e o bem-estar dos banhistas é uma das maiores prioridades. No parque aquático H2O de Herford,...