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All Posts in Water News
Xylem’s 2024: Driving change toward a water-secure world

Together with our customers and partners, Xylem continued our mission in 2024 to help create a more sustainable, water-secure world. Being named one of...

Globally renowned recognition reinforces Xylem’s commitment to protecting employees and driving a culture of care and well-being. Xylem received 42 Royal...

Based on his world-renowned research on the virtual water trade, digital river mapping, and inclusion of human activity in the water cycle, Taikan Oki has been...
Stories of Xylem customers and partners solving water

Threats like water scarcity, water affordability and infrastructure resilience continue to escalate, making water a central issue for water utilities,...
Student’s passion for the environment leads to a smarter way to clean up oil spills

High-school senior Naomi Park knows that climate change is a problem affecting the entire world right now. So, for this year’s Stockholm Junior Water Prize...

In April 2022, Andreas Fath began a 57-day journey, in which he would swim 2,700 kilometers (1,678 miles) to raise awareness of pollution in the Danube River....