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Early adopter of intelligent pumping system expands use and reduces annual cleaning and service costs by 87.5%. London’s Heathrow Airport is one of Europe’s...

All Posts in Environmental Monitoring & Analysis

The Amazon’s legendary Boiling River – exploring a mystery through data

As a boy in Peru, Andrés Ruzo heard the legend of the Boiling River from his grandfather. Later, as a Ph.D. candidate studying geothermal science, Ruzo began...

Monitorização de barragem hidroelétrica proporciona novos conhecimentos sobre emissões de carbono

A Barragem de Kariba retém o maior reservatório artificial do mundo e gera eletricidade para milhões de pessoas na Zâmbia e no Zimbabué. Um estudo recente da...

Xylem’s YSI data buoy provides water-quality data for mussel farmers

South Coast Mariculture wanted to better understand the water quality conditions of their mussel farms in Jervis Bay, located in New South Wales, Australia....