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Making Waves中的所有文章

Manchester City Football Club aims to minimize the use of municipal water to irrigate training pitches as a key part of its sustainability initiatives....

Xylem’s customized filtration solution enables the reuse of 99% of exhibit water and $1.5 million in annual savings. Georgia Aquarium, the largest aquarium in...

When two students noticed that PFAS pollution wasn't getting enough attention in the UK, they decided to do something about it. Christopher Whitfeld and Wenqi...

Next week is WEFTEC 2024, the premier event for water quality professionals. Xylem will be showcasing a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to move,...

一氧化二氮(N 2 O)是污水处理过程中温室气体排放的主要来源,但水务行业在采用有效的解决方案来监测、控制和报告这些排放方面仍有很长的路要走。水务公司现在可以开始采取哪些措施来管理N2O的排放?赛莱默专家Oliver Puckering博士对此进行了解答。...