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Aquaculture businesses face a unique set of challenges that impact both productivity and sustainability. To ensure biosecurity, farmers must maintain...

In northeast Oregon in the U.S., the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) is managing a project to replenish freshwater mussels, a...
Remote pump monitoring helps aquaculture farmer work more effectively

NLN Farms, located near the coastal town of Chocowinity, North Carolina, needed to transfer water from four aquaculture ponds to a nearby reservoir. The farm...

South Coast Mariculture wanted to better understand the water quality conditions of their mussel farms in Jervis Bay, located in New South Wales, Australia....

企业家Daniel Flock和Markus Schreiner与赛莱默合作开展了一个了不起的项目:他们想在不使用化学品和抗生素的情况下,在奥地利中部养殖“白虎”虾。为了成功养殖这种原产于亚洲的虾,赛莱默在培育池和过滤池中安装了一个泵系统,使将近70万升的水保持恒定运动,不产生污水。...

Heidefisch GmbH在远离德国北部任何大型水域的吕讷堡石楠草原(Lüneburg Heath)中部养殖彩虹鳟鱼并生产鳟鱼鱼子酱。由于该地区淡水资源有限,该公司专注于不断开展水循环和水处理工作。这一理念取得了成功,Heidefisch...