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Energy & Power中的所有文章
Inside the biogas boom: How mixing and pumping technologies are solving a major renewable challenge

As more governments and businesses look to advance net zero, there’s growing global interest in sustainable energy sources. One renewable that’s attracting...
Water, hydrogen and the energy revolution – answering the key questions of sustainable water management in hydrogen generation

As hydrogen emerges as a growing component in the energy transition, managing the sector’s water footprint is becoming increasingly important. The production...

On December 10, 2021, at 9:27 p.m., a tornado with winds of up to 190 mph (305 kph) touched down in Mayfield, Kentucky, creating widespread outages and mass...

Appalachian Hydro Associates (AHA) in Ravenna, Kentucky, was seeking to develop a more cost-effective model for small hydro projects. AHA partnered with Berea...

解决地球的水挑战问题从未如此紧迫。赛莱默最近发布其2016年可持续发展报告,介绍了该公司推进解决全球水和能源挑战取得的进展。 世界人口的不断增长,水利基础设施的不堪重负加上气象灾害的日益增多都加剧了对可持续发展解决方案的需求。解决水问题——这也是联合国可持续发展目标之一...