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As a boy in Peru, Andrés Ruzo heard the legend of the Boiling River from his grandfather. Later, as a Ph.D. candidate studying geothermal science, Ruzo began...
卡里巴水坝是世界上最大的人工水库,为赞比亚和津巴布韦的数百万人提供电力。最近对这座大坝进行的一项研究揭示了大坝对水库和下游温室气体排放有何影响。通过使用赛莱默的YSI EXO2多参数探测仪进行持续监测,研究人员对如何优化水电站以减少碳排放有了新的认识。...
South Coast Mariculture wanted to better understand the water quality conditions of their mussel farms in Jervis Bay, located in New South Wales, Australia....
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