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How can we get more young people engaged in water issues? That’s one of the topics in a recent episode of Xylem’s Solving Water podcast. The episode features...
我们是不是可以让浮游动物来吃掉有害藻类呢?如果可以,哪种生物最适合做这项工作?这是Annabelle M. Rayson在2022年“斯德哥尔摩青少年水奖”上获奖项目的主题。让我们来看看是什么激励她去做这项研究。...
What can we all do, working together, to protect and revitalize our oceans? That is the theme of this year’s World Oceans Day on June 8: “Revitalization:...
Although nitrate contamination in waterways can cause significant harm to wildlife and communities, measuring nitrate in the field has traditionally been...
该装置为加州克利尔湖的研究人员提供了无与伦比、前所未有的全湖探测数据。 位于加利福尼亚州的克利尔湖(Clear Lake)是北美的重点监控湖泊之一,这里的有害藻华问题十分严重。为了更好地了解导致湖中藻类大量繁殖的原因,来自洛杉矶南加州大学和南加州海岸水研究所(SCCWRP)的研究人员选择了赛莱默YSI品牌的i3XO...
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