Xylem’s commitment to solving water-related challenges spans the entire hydraulic fracturing lifecycle.
Water is critical to your operation, yet dealing with it is fraught with challenges. You need to source millions of gallons of it, put it to work in the extraction process, recover it, transport and treat the produced water, and dispose of it appropriately, all while safeguarding the sustainability of your well and protecting the environment. It’s tall order indeed, which is why you need Xylem.
For more than 170 years, Xylem has been the leader in pumping and related technologies, including water supply, pressure boosting, dewatering, industrial water management, monitoring and controls, heat transfer, treatment, wastewater and fire protection solutions. We keep mission critical operations running reliably across the entire spectrum of industries and applications. Xylem can provide everything you need to source, transport and test water throughout the entire fracking process. What’s more, we have the expertise to put together those components in ways that make you’re your job easier, and your well more efficient.
View Our Hydraulic Fracturing Solutions
Get a holistic view of water use, and see how to turn water management from an expense to an advantage.
We approach your well with the goal of creating a solution that will deliver the mot value year after year.
Quality Xylem products minimize risks, maximize uptime and deliver superior total cost of ownership. In addition, our expert water professionals are committed to making fracking more efficient by solving its most challenging water-related issues. What’s more, we’re dedicated to improving the way water is used, conserved and re-used around the world. All of this means that we’re ready, willing and able to make your wells more productive and profitable.