Xylem Global Student Innovation Challenge Winners

Grand Winning Projects

AGWE- God of Water: Be Empowered. Take Action.
High School Grand Winner

AGWE- God of Water: Be Empowered. Take Action.

AGWE is an educational campaign addressing critical water issues through an integrated website featuring an enlightening song and lyric video, a captivating storybook, an informative module, an engaging game, and an impactful augmented reality feature for an immersive experience, along with various other features. 

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The Blue: Immersive Water Conservation Learning Solution
University Grand Winner

The Blue: Immersive Water Conservation Learning Solution

Blue's gameplay is designed to be both entertaining and educational, blending elements of adventure, problem-solving, and exploration. Players must navigate various obstacles and puzzles while making decisions that impact the health of their village's water supply. By completing missions and achieving goals, players earn rewards and unlock new levels, fostering a sense of accomplishment and progression.

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Individual Challenge Winners

Winner: High School | Problem Statement 1


Billions of microplastics escape traditional wastewater treatment daily, threatening our oceans. Our multi-stage filter tackles this issue head-on within your home. Focusing on households is key. Laundry, a major culprit, happens everywhere, and widespread adoption can significantly reduce overall plastic released.,We prioritize domestic solutions for several reasons. Firstly, laundry, a major culprit with synthetic clothing fibers,happens in every home. Targeting this source directly at households significantly reduces overall plastic released compared to solely focusing on municipal plants. Secondly, widespread adoption in homes allows for a much larger environmental impact compared to potential limitations with upgrades at municipal facilities. Empowering individuals to be part of the solution is crucial.

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Team Over-Engineered
Winner: University | Problem Statement 1

Team Over-Engineered

Our project presents a revolutionary solution to the microplastic pollution crisis. We have invented a microplastic filter that harnesses the tribo-electric effect to effectively capture even the smallest plastic particles and fibers. The innovative design features a custom sinkhole made from recycled vehicle tire Teflon, which maximizes water contact to build up a powerful negative charge on the inner walls. As wastewater flows through, the positively or neutrally charged microplastics, no matter how minuscule, are attracted and clump together due to the tribo-electric phenomenon. A reusable cloth filter then effortlessly sieves out these larger coagulated particles, achieving an exceptional 80% filtration rate - far surpassing conventional methods limited to particles over 50μm.

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Green House Dash
Winner: High School | Problem Statement 2

Green House Dash

The solution I propose is developing an automated calculator to calculate GHG emissions for each company, also creating a dashboard for the GHG conditions of each company, which will subsequently assist the government in identifying companies that exceed the specified regulatory limits for GHG emissions. GHG data will be obtained from a database connected to the aforementioned calculator.

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Building Lego
Winner: University | Problem Statement 2

Building Lego

Making bricks out of electronic waste (e-waste) is an innovative and sustainable solution. E-waste, including discarded electronic devices, contains valuable materials like metals, plastics, and ceramics. Instead of treating e-waste as trash, we can repurpose it into useful building materials.

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Hydro Health - Water Track Application
Winner: High School | Problem Statement 3

Hydro Health - Water Track Application

Creating an Hydro Health to address the lack of data on water conditions in various regions can be a valuable initiative to support NGOs and other organizations in tracking the main problems related to water.

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Vincewartz Technology
Winner: University | Problem Statement 3

Vincewartz Technology

Introducing the Electrocoagulation Microplastic Capture System (EMCS), utilizing electrocoagulation technology to efficiently capture microplastics in outgoing wastewater. EMCS integrates into existing infrastructure, offering scalability for household and industrial use. It provides a cost-effective, user-friendly solution with minimal maintenance, addressing the challenge of microplastic pollution effectively.

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The Ripple Effect
High School Community Choice Awardee

The Ripple Effect

By harnessing the natural filtration prowess of mussels and the plastic-degrading potential of bacteria, our solution directly targets microplastics at estuaries' sources, curbing the release of microplastics into the ocean.

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Water Warriors
University Community Choice Awardee

Water Warriors

It is very important for us to reduce the current amount of micro-plastics in the water bodies e.g. Oceans, sea, rivers and household water supplies etc. To a solution to this current crisis going on we have a proposition to use 2 steps filtration system of micro-plastics that'll not only reduce micro-plastic levels in the water but also decompose microplastics into oxygen.

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Xylem Ignite Awards Ceremony & Global Launch